About SecuritEase®
The SecuritEase® system is a general purpose, multi-currency, multi-market, multi-asset class settlement and accounting system, with a fully integrated multi-currency, multi-company general ledger.
SecuritEase® system overview:
- Clearing and settlement of different asset classes through a single back office process.
- Seamless processing of domestic and international equity, fixed interest, managed fund, and derivative instruments.
- Managed Funds management.
- Bulk and individual custody of different asset classes.
- Integrated margin lending and cash management systems to support sales processes.
- Real-time foreign exchange deal processing.
- IPO process management.
- Client portfolio performance reporting with “what if” analysis.
- Elective and standard corporate actions processing.
- Adviser compliance training tracking.
- Wealth management fee calculation and invoicing

Modularised functionality – enable as business needs change.
Customise components for your business model.
All in one or integrate with existing systems.

Manage multiple market investments through a common interface.
Localised information system
In addition to automating settlement, corporate action, and commission/brokerage accounting, it provides an entire customer and business information system for New Zealand, Australian and South African capital markets participants.
Integrated portfolio
The SecuritEase system records financial position in its integrated multi-currency, multi-company general ledger, and asset holding positions in equities, fixed interest, cash, derivatives, and managed funds in its integrated portfolio position keeping and custody systems.

Extensive portfolio performance analysis possible.
View all details of positions and manage across currencies.

Store documents against each entity.
Manage positions and cash across accounts and entities.
Individual legal entities
You can separate trading, cash management, and margin lending operations into separate legal entities, account for those entities separately but view your customers’ accounts in those entities via a single SecuritEase system customer record.
Full financial overview
The full drill-up/drill-down capability of the SecuritEase system means appropriately authorised staff can quickly and easily see the full financial movements associated with each portfolio movement and the full portfolio movements relating to each GL movement.

Extensive GL for adviser remuneration reporting.
Easy Division and Branch reporting.
Multi company balance sheet and profit & loss accounting.

Portfolio Information presented via Eikon.
Integration options
The SecuritEase system has a full range of open and standard interfaces that allow integration with existing business information systems and external parties.

SecuritEase® technology
The SecuritEase system has four primary server technology components.
- Application Server, which implements the securities broking business functionality,
- Database Server, which stores the data associated with the securities transactions,
- Reporting Server, which produces screen and printed reports, and
- Settlement Gateway Server, which provides connectivity to the market and settlement infrastructure.
These components reside on a single system or can be split to operate on separate systems. The choice of deployment architecture depends on capacity and availability requirements.
The graphical user interface of the SecuritEase system is flexible and easy to use. Pop-up windows allow both summary and detailed data to be viewed as “drill in” enquiries progress. The user interface needs no other software to run, and new versions are automatically loaded to end users’ PCs as they are made available, thereby eliminating manual client end system maintenance. Some elements of the graphical user interface can be delivered through Refinitiv’s Eikon.
The SecuritEase system uses standard Microsoft operating system and database products and is fully supported in virtualised environments.
The SecuritEase system has a number of ways of interfacing with external systems. For example; Real time bidirectional interfaces can be used to access important external systems, standard interfacing database tables can be used to import from or export to external systems or one of the SecuritEase application programming interfaces (APIs) can be used.
Technology like; RESTful JSON and XML APIs, real time FIX interfaces, real time and batch file SWIFT interfaces, file import/export mechanisms, FTP, SFTP and transfer directory monitoring and business practices like making training available in the nature of the SecuritEase System database maximise the availability of your data.